Lapsed Auto Insurance? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Auto insurance is vital in keeping your car and driving record in good standing. Continuous auto insurance coverage is a state requirement for any vehicle registered in Colorado. Working with a knowledgeable auto insurance company will help you ensure you’re always in compliance with state laws. Aspen Insurance Agency proudly serves Colorado to keep drivers on the road.

What Happens When Auto Insurance Lapses?

If your auto insurance lapses, the DMV will issue a written warning notice from the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit. If there’s been a mistake (for example, if you switched insurance companies but maintained continuous auto insurance coverage), you can mail any documentation relevant to your warning to the DMV for review. After the warning notice is sent, a fine will be applied to your driving record, and your registration may be suspended.

What Can I Do About My Lapsed Insurance?

Depending on the reason for your insurance lapse, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Bring your registration current: If your registration was suspended due to lapsed insurance, you’ll have to pay a $200 fine. You can pay the fine online, by phone, or by mail.
  • Pay any lapsed coverage fines: If you want to insure any vehicles, you’ll need to pay off the fines that were applied to your record.  
  • Request a hearing: If you want to dispute your fines, you can request a hearing with the DMV and provide any documentation you have as proof of your continued coverage.

Reach Out To Us

Once your registration is current, fines are paid, and insurance is reinstated, you’ll be compliant with the DMV’s laws and regulations. If you need help ensuring your car meets these requirements in Colorado, contact our insurance agents at Aspen Insurance Agency.

Aspen Insurance Agency Named As One of the Best Insurance Agencies in Denver

Best Insurance Agencies in Denver

Aspen Insurance Agency was recently awarded and named as one of the Best Insurance Agencies in Denver for 2020, by Expertise. We are thrilled to receive this recognition and continue to remain committed to delivering the best customer service experience for our clients.

Although we were founded in Denver, Aspen Insurance Agency continues to support clients nationwide. Check out all of the states that we do business in here.

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